Sunday, September 25, 2011

(begun Saturday 24th September at 5am..)

It was the Throat-Tickler frequency that finally had me heaving myself off Cloud 9.. That dry and foreign spasm that you can't escape... Brilliant... *shrugs..
I'm pretty much at a loss at what to grumble about this morning, and am rapidly running out of steam.. Wassup?  Am I going to allow myself to implode under the weight of my renewed self-loathing?   It's all too easy to fall back into the pattern that's clung to me all these years, but bugger that - being pitiful is boring, if nothing else..

I see Viren Ramprith is trying to take some of the heat off of Allen Spence these days.. I'd suggest you checked out the front page of the latest Rising Sun freesheet 'Power Outages Spark Fury' only I don't see a weblink anywhere..  This time it's Councillor Colin Gaillard that's pulling the wool over his constituent's eyes, by expressing his outrage at the powercuts over in Newlands East....
How refreshing it would be if these guys were to come out and admit that it's load-shedding, and that for every circuit downed by a cut or so-called stolen cable, at least some of the power lost to the enormous amount of additional lights required to enhance the wireless signal, is recouped..

Yeah - It's an awkward and costly way of doing things, but at least it keeps the truth under wraps, and that's all that counts in the long run.. A few more years and they won't have to go through all this rigmarole of cable thieves and contractors damaging cables...  The PTB will be able to simply switch off huge areas when needed, and no-one will dare utter a word of complaint, as you'll all have finally figured out that you're OWNED..

Sunday 25th Sleptember at 4am..

I promised Einstein Next-Door I'd give him credit for his genius, and I'll stick to that.. At about 12.30pm yesterday I'd just put my book down and was sneaking forty winks when a text came in from C asking if our power was out.. I checked and so it was...
It's car had left the driveway, so I guess It was out on a mission and It had decided it was easier to shut the circuit down than sweat about what I could get up to in It's absence.. Besides, any down-time is power saving, and would earn him a few kudos.. The power was restored at about 2.30pm, and I swear that all I felt was mildly grateful that I'd been able to get Vincent his lunch before the cut-off.. Baa, baaa.... *bleats....

There's no nice way of putting it.. She wrote me off as self-destructive, and therefore probably deserving of my role as guinea-pig to the Project technology... After all, who in their right mind smokes, FFS?  And yeah, I'm all for self-removal and euthenasia if necessary, so, no real respect for my own life, right?  A perfect candidate for a labrat....
What was it she'd said in response to one of my many whines on what our Area Controller was subjecting us to?  Something about he'd been given too much power?  Man, has that under-statement come back to haunt me...
This morning I can't even remember the role title I gave her.. Part-Time Political Activist?  How so often in my darkest moments I'd remind myself that she'd promised to keep up with my blog, and I'd kid myself everything would be OK in the end..*falls over choking..
I've been over and over it since then, and as you can guess, my conclusions aren't exactly cheerful....

Who fed her the Trojan Horse Master Plan in the end?  Young halicon himself?  Who persuaded her (if indeed she was ever persuaded), that it was the only answer if the country was to be saved?   Why the fallout with Rudolf and Jannie?
I'd already been writing for yonks of the suffering we'd endured as a result of the technology, by the time the Craigavon Mast fiasco occurred, and Ms. Dorny and her neighbours began reporting similar symptoms to ours...That was different? How?
The Mast Fighter didn't carry a reputation for being unpleasant, and could therefore be assisted?

Reason reminds me that there was nothing at all that she could have done to help us down here, despite that I foolishly considered I'd proven beyond any reasonable doubt that our Area controller was a criminal with murderous intent...
Since the ongoing attacks on the Mast Fighter and her family via their powerlines, has she changed her attitude towards the Surveillance Technology completely, or does a part of her still regard it as necessary progress?  *interested...
Why do I care one way or the other?

Could she talk the talk, or what?!   The Behavioural Boffs would no doubt tell you it's text book behaviour for a victim to pin their hopes on even the most unlikely of candidates, when they're driven to the wall, and that's just what I did....  Never mind that she's just a kid, and was herself taking a battering from all quarters...
Once the Strategist realised she'd never regard him with the awe he felt he deserved, and that she could come up with some serious arguments on his choice of Area Controllers and their behaviour, she was history and had to go?

While we down here, as well as the Craigavon residents, continue to be assaulted deliberately via our powerlines, what hell has she been through herself?  Van Zyl and his minions will have been hunting her as relentlessly as they did Ms. Dorny, and there's really no place to hide.. *shrugs...
Did she ever sit still long enough to feel the effects of the unregulated wireless frequencies?  Does she already share the Christmas Beetle chorus with so many of us?
I cringe when I think of how much faith I had in her ability to fix things single-handedly, and she no more than a child herself... *sighs and looks at Cara...

Always I come back to the women, and I wonder at their private thoughts... How did rpm's Missus feel when she heard that the Part-Time Political Activist was no longer to be the flavour of the month and that in fact, she was to be gotten rid of asap?  Did she not object?  Did she not begin to see the gaping flaws in the Master Plan even then?   Did Cara not see that my descriptions of our Area Controller Balliram were spot-on?  How hard was it to persuade her that he was a rogue Controller and a loose-cannon?  A concept that must have been dispelled once and for all, once Ms. Dorny's plight became apparent....
Did Cara come to realise and accept that the criteria required for those chosen as Area Controllers most definitely included a lack of moral integrity and a leaning to criminal behaviour?

Ag, don't get on your high horses - I know there have to be good guys out there as well.. People that will pop into your home uninvited when ordered to do so, and who will depart leaving no trace of their visit.. In fact, just the way a mammoth surveillance project should be run....

I can only guess that what wasn't foreseen when first this Grand Scheme was being sketched out, was the psychological effect it would have on the designated Controllers themselves... That the feeling of omnipotence acquired by having such complete control over people's private lives and health would, within a very short space of time, eradicate any vestige of conscience the Controller may once have had..

Glen Nayager and his buddy Colin P. Balliram are admittedly extreme examples of this, and it's doubtful either of them ever possessed a conscience to begin with... The disgraced ex-head of Sydenham SAPS is a prime specimen of how reason and logic have fallen by the wayside, as he scrabbles desperately to regain his throne..
How long will it be before young halicon and Dominic King are also merrily using specific unregulated wireless frequencies to physically torture several of the Innocents on their circuits?
That, while eavesdropping on private conversations, Dom decides that this woman, or that man was unpleasant, and therefore deserving of a bit of extra attention via their powerlines?  All just a bit of fun really, and no lasting damage done?  BULLSHIT!
That scan on my hand revealed clearly that there IS massive damage being done, and that it affects the whole body.. Then you may ask yourselves whether the enormous increase in electrical fires are all due to errors caused by over-enthusiastic but ultimately repentant Area controllers, or whether there aren't more than a few conflagrations being caused deliberately...

How many Controllers are by now themselves walking time-bombs?  That small dark hidden mass just waiting for a bit of stress before it wakes and begins to grow?  Is that why Balliram is so partial to the Weed?  Is that why he's being allowed to continue his murderous mischief unchecked?  You can't afford to have him stressed or it will rub off onto his 'work'? You have an army of soldiers controlling the powerlines that are being encouraged to suck on zols to chill out?  Doing the doob is being touted as a cancer-prevention?  *shrugs...

While I've nothing against the use of dagga in moderation, by the man-in-the-street, you'll understand why I find the use of any mind-altering drug, however mild, unacceptable in one who manages your bloody electricity supplies... Ag, I'm waffling again....


Sunday 25th September 2011 at 11.50am...