Friday, May 27, 2011

(begun Wednesday 25th May at 2.35pm..)

He said he'd bumped into Chippy (the Cheat) over at Spiga the other day, and they'd spent a while, happily catching up on mutual friends and acquaintances .. Was I envious?  Nooit....
None of the ShaikBoyz appeal to me except for Mo, and that's a fact.. Even without the added cachet of his position in Government, he has an aura of calm about him that's far more attractive than that of the belligerent little rooster that hangs out in Innes Road...

So ja - a one-on-one meeting with our Head of Intelligence is pretty high on my wishlist.. Course, if it were to happen, (haha) I'd simply sit and gawp and mumble and generally be the ass that I am... *shrugs...
Even if he were to tell me earnestly that it was against every fibre of his being, to have to work so closely with one who had built his Empire on the sale of banned substances, but that he had no choice, our Mo would know that I'd fill you in here, word for word, afterwards....
Which would of course, piss off our Earl mightily, and cause him to threaten to drop a few clangers himself...

You have to bear in mind that Nayager and his Mafia associates dance to Barnabas' tune, and old habits are darned hard to break... Despite the amazing technological weaponry that's fallen into their filthy laps, they still employ a lot of the old-fashioned tried and true methods of silencing individuals, and I seriously wonder if the Chief Whisperer might not just be a little out of his depth if matters came to a head.. *eyeroll.. Sure, Mo will have his section Cleaners as well, but I'm not at all sure he's not under-estimated his Associate's knowledge of the technology's surveillance abilities... Talk about Spy vs. Spy... *snorts...
Mr. Shaik will be kept busy chatting to his counterparts around the globe, on the Project's progress, whereas the Peer of the Zone, Michael Barnabas, has little to do but check his bank balance, and study ways of refining which frequency has what devastating effect on his own personal trapped labrats....

A flurry of renewed activity on cheered me up immensely, and it was nice to see that although Mac McCarthy is around, he didn't find my blog posts worthy of vitriolic comment, or any comment at all for that matter... *beams and mops wrinkled brow..
David?  Ahh - David remains a mystery for the moment, though he kindly spares the time to reply to my occasional messages... *still on full alert.... I must get on...

LATER at 4.35pm

The wind howls outside, although it's stopped raining for a bit...
I often get the impression that it's the so-called Good guys that would have me simply zip my flapping lip.. Why? Ignored and despised as I am, how could I in any way, queer their pitch?  What pitch would that be BTW?  Abandoned guinea-pigs since the onslaught began in 2005 via the powerlines, and utterly unable to prove a thing, may I ask how remaining silent would've achieved anything?  It certainly wouldn't have lessened the ferocity of the assaults on our homes by Barnabas' IT Lackey, and you'd be a moron to consider it..

If you asked OTOH, what I've gained by my constant yapping, I'd be forced to concede, nada, except my determination to tell the truth...
I've done that in spades, besides admitting to my many errors made along the way.. A far more honourable stance than yours, if I may say so.... *mutters....
Sit still dammit!  For one who regards himself as on the Good Team, you're a remarkably fidgety shape-shifter...

Our so briefly employed Head of Technical Services down at St. Augustines's - Mr. Groenewald?  Was it as I suspect, Colonel Groenewald, and would he be offended were I to put him firmly on the Seriously Corrupt Team?  I figure he was up to some pretty disgusting behaviour, and if he were to brush it aside as part of his role as Infiltrator to the Wikked, I would be obliged to spit on him before he could dodge....
Cowering in the shadows like curs, while telling yourselves you're going to beat the Bad Guys, has me in stitches.. They're running rings around you, and probably always will..*yawns...
Offensive as you find me, so do I find your collective attitude equally stomach-churning.. GOOD Guys?  Are you sure about that?  *interested...

Thursday 26th May at 3.35am

I'd been up for a bit, and had just gone back into my bedroom to cover the little dog.. As I reached the side of my bed, a deep ache in the bottom of my spine kicked in, that vanished again as soon as I left the room... More than sufficient proof for me to know that the assaults via the wireless frequencies are concentrated on me deliberately, as I lie in bed each night, and even as I nap during the day.. Clearly the criminals running the show have decreed that I'm to be a total cripple in the not too distant future... *belches..

The physical damage done to us so far, is irreversable, (sp) and you would have me fall silent?
Balliram and his Tutor appear to have found that the Throat Tickler frequency is the most effective when it comes to dealing with my CPF Vice Chair, and he continues to have chest problems as a result...
Instead of anti-inflammatories, the GW was given cortisone by his GP yesterday, for his excrutiating shoulder pains, while I've not heard the outcome of B.Jnr's similar visit to his GP...
These assaults on our health can't be written off in any way as 'tests,' and I guess you've figured that much out by now..Our Area Controller is being fed the exact and very well documented frequencies that give the best and most devastating results... *spews..

Not your problem Allen?  *regards the Superintendent of Electricity for Durban with extreme contempt.. Without your amiable assistance, none of us here would've had our cartilage systematically cooked off since you rigged us up to the Grid in 2005, and chances are, we'd all be as fit as fiddles...
You had no idea?  That's a whopper and you know it.. My exoneration of the part played by young Leonard Els in no way extends to you, and I find you easily as criminal as those to whom you so willingly hand the power circuits...
A serial killer would in fact be a fitting title for the role you play in the Metro Connect Project...
Do my accusations continue to cause you side-splitting mirth? I've no doubt that they do.. *vomits..

I sat in on a CPF Motherbody Meeting last night, and was briefly cheered to hear that Dodge City have chosen to 'adopt' Sydenham Heights as part of a push to assist the Community living there..
A mention was made of the long-standing distrust by those residents, towards our local cops, and you can understand why..
When they see Nayager's former right-hand man sanctimoniously holding forth on Domestic Violence next week, what are they to think?  I guess they could be forgiven their justifiable scepticism and disbelief that anything is about to change for the better in their area...
There was certainly a time when it had looked like the tide was turning.. When Colonel Marillier and Colonel Mngomezulu, along with Captain Peters, had threatened to make serious inroads against Barnabas' lucrative profiteering at Sydenham Heights....

If you've been paying attention you'll recall how neatly that was nipped in the bud by Barnabas' puppet, Glen Nayager... How Marillier had subsequently found himself transferred out to the far-flung Mariannhill Station, and Augustine out to Greenwood Park... With the eventual removal of the Sex Offender, young Captain Peters was able to return to Dodge, but pretty much on his own, his is an exhausting and uphill battle to stem the tidal wave of drugs that swamps the Zone....
A tidal wave whose lucrative profits continue to enrich 'Earl' Michael Barnabas, now Project Associate of our Head of Intelligence, Mo Shaik...

To you purportedly Good Guys out there - You wonder that I regard your efforts with cynicism? If indeed any efforts are being made at all?  For you are as keen to have the technology installed countrywide, as ever the Criminals are... You care as little for the devastating effects this is having on innocent citizens, as does my own sick Area Controller, and that's the truth of the matter...
And yes David dear, I can hear myself clearly, yapping into a Force 10 gale, and I'm aware of the sorry picture I paint.. Small wonder that I see no hope for us here, on the horizon, when the Good Guys wish me to STFU as much as the Bad....
The dull ache in my spine and the astonishing effect experienced earlier in the corner of my bedroom, tells me that it won't be long before you all get what you desire...

May your 'the means justify the ends' mantra carry you happily by the knowledge that you've willingly allowed a small but innocent group of citizens to be crippled for life, by a band of criminals who should've been incarcerated years ago.. Have a good day... Peace..  *Hit Publish and there's the old Javascript: Void again*


Friday 27th May 2011 at  11.03am