Friday, April 01, 2011

(begun Thursday 31st March at 7.45am..)

I spin round and round in a ghastly parody of Salome's dance, knowing well that the heads I want, will never reach the platter.. *shrugs...
It appears that Willie Hofmyer has added Brighton Beach Station to his list of investigations into corruption, and Nayager has cut a deal with the Hawks, ensuring that he walked free of all charges against him... (Except of course for the guilty verdict on the four counts of sexual harrassment)..
Seems like Mr. Hofmyer is not averse to dealing with mafioso thugs, as a means to an end.. *spews...

The One-Eyed Woman Abuser has resorted to snitching on his fellow officers out at Brighton Beach, to successfully evade his just desserts... *yawns...
It'll be the softer targets who he rats on fosho, and no-one in any way associated with his Mafia chommies or Barnabas... Associates that our Willie is well aware of, but has chosen to ignore...

This revelation has in fact been a done deal for a couple of months already, has it not?  Old News, in fact... When she'd said cheerfully that Nayager would be around for a long time, she'd known about the deal struck, even back then... (See, I WAS paying attention, after all..*winks..)  Did it pain me when she asked why I thought Nayager would bother going after me?  I guess the only thing that upset me, was my own stunned silence and inability to trot out the answer.. *roffels...
I'm betting the line between the Good and the Seriously Rotten becomes more blurred each day that passes, as these two once apposing factions now work happily, hand in hand, to enslave the population... Lovely.. *gags..

LATER at 5.10pm

I booted up some ten minutes ago, connected to iBurst, and opened my google home page.. That was about all I could manage before we lost the connection.. The problems I now encounter regularly online are many, and as usual I have no defence against them....
The Poor Sod hung about all afternoon, waiting for a blog that didn't materialise, and clearly I'm to pay for wasting his valuable time...

LATER at 8.55pm

I sense a pattern forming here..*cackles...
I was just about to switch off the bedside lamp now, now, when our Area Controller obligingly did it for me... Another powercut, hard on the heels of last night's magnificent demonstration... *beams..
Aaaand - *fanfare* less than fifteen minutes later, the power's back on, at 9.15pm..
Manage to nail any major appliances with your latest ostentatious showing-off, Your Foulness?  It certainly can't be doing our fridge or freezer much good, nor those of my neighbours... You back on the spliffs again?  Caution to the wind, as you suck in great lungfuls of the stuff, in an effort to chill out?  An ideal past-time for one with absolute control over several power circuits, wouldn't you say?  *brown paper bag time...

Friday 1st April at 3.55am

Our Controller has me grinning even at this hour, as he attempts to run that odd rough sound without being noticed..  Each time I remark, he stops it, and then tries again.. *snorts... I simply can't understand why he should think I can't hear it, whatever level he runs it at... He even tried activating a wirelessed 'cricket' to hide it, but failed miserably... Wireless song?
Lawd knows what it's for, but you can guarantee it's nothing that's good for me.. *belches...

And my word, was he busy overnight!  He had great fun driving Sophie off the bed repeatedly, after lights out.. She'd hop back on and settle down for a while, before taking off again wildly, flapping her head frantically.. Clever... I doubt there are any animal lovers who bother to visit these pages.. Those who may once have been grossed out by the blatant attacks on innocent animals, will now find it merely amusing...
Balliram turned his attentions to me much later, and though I didn't surface enough to be able to describe the results, they were fairly painful, despite that he refrained from employing either the BackFire or the Burning Hands frequencies...  *shrugs..

The BackFire?  Pretty much disappeared over the last few days, except for pockets of it now and then..Mostly when the GW and I communicate aloud...
It's now 4.20am, and I've been out onto the verandah with the dogs, to find that the odd noise is much clearer outside, and is some sort of nearby and rough, wireless song... *eyeroll..
He stops and starts it erratically, and is clearly bored witless..*grins..

When my Network Admin had finally allowed me to access my gmail account last night, I'd found nearly the entire Inbox page filled with the activities on*falls over choking... When I eventually took myself over there and signed in, I updated my comments on Ward 25 to say that the shoddy patchwork to the potholes hadn't all washed away after all, but that the road badly needed attention..

I'd added that nothing had been done about the hydrant leaking opposite the Hospice, despite the increase in Press articles on the looming water crisis, or the fault report put in the night before by the GW..
Surely that's what the site was created for?  To communicate with one's Councillor when following the normal channels fails?  Apparently not, for there on the left of the page appeared a new member touting a site to join, where you can post problems with Service Delivery... *laughing..
I guess the increasing corruption to the durbanite site and the problems I encountered navigating around,  was as a result of their obvious desire to have me post water and light problems elsewhere..?  It pretty much did it for me, as I suddenly lost all interest in the Game... *grins..

Trailing a fair amount of gore, I left 'Mac MacCarthy' and his fellow Wuggers to rule the roost, and bowed out.. The membership has improved steadily, and I'm sure with the scintillating comments from Mac, it will continue to grow and flourish... Or not.. *winks and waves to Leon...
Frankly young man, I've enough problems just accessing and my gmail account, without being the fox to the site's hounds..*teeth... Was the Troll offended when he realised I wasn't even bothering to read his remarks?
600 days?  WTF is that all about?  Doug is being deliciously and tantalisingly ambiguous, though alas, 600 days is a mighty long time to a toad in her 66th year, and it's always possible I won't be around to see that particular puzzle solved.. *shrugs...
I've got to be realistic for once, and admit that the attention my Area Controller pays me so diligently, one way or another, may have me out of here, sooner rather than later.. (Though my own efforts aren't too shabby either.. *lights up another fag...)

Zaid testified FOR Shaik?  Which case?  The mosque, or Ms. Khosa?  I wouldn't have expected him to do otherwise, under the circumstances.. Though I understand that Ms. Khosa's docket now sits up in Pretoria, with a 99.9% chance of disappearing off the face of the earth... *eyeroll..

There was a Times paper laying on our drive when I went up yesterday at sparrow's.. Another hand seriously overplayed by the Bully next door and his Mob associates, and right now I don't particularly care whether it's delivered or not..

You sit there so quietly, and yet I'm aware that you and Cara are watching.. Do you still find me as deserving as you did years back?  *looks at rpm with interest... Since you discovered the *ahem* true nature of my Area Controller, and those he answers to? I know you can't move a muscle, and chances are you feel nothing for our plight, and that you were warned in advance that criminals were to be employed to speed up the Project's installation.. I only hope that your silence is ultimately worth it in the end, and that there IS a happy ending to all this organised deviousness... Despite my colourful imagination, I struggle to see how all but a handful will benefit from this Master Plan, but I'm cheerfully working on my attitude.. *beams..

If my trials have ever given you cause to smile without rancour, then that's good enough for me..*waves...

LATER at 5.35am

I've booted up and begun a full scan, for I see it's been 6 days since we did the last one.. Kaspersky is of course as OWNED as Norton ever was, but I go through the motions nonetheless... Peace..


Friday 1st April 2011 at 9.46am...