Friday, September 17, 2010


(begun Friday 17th September at 3.10am...)

alas, would be lies and cowardice above all else… All the sticks and stones and words in the world are so much wasted dross when dealing with the yellow-bellied Agents for African domination…. *hears the loony-tunes theme kick in….

My first thought when I woke at 1.00am was ‘bloody backache’ and I swear it was the same yesterday at a similar hour… The GW is barely recovered from his ‘pinched nerve’ and already grumbling about his next bout of pain, while as you know our VC has recently been upgraded for similar attention… *vomits…
In their recently acquired svelteness, it's my bet the Courageous Pair will use the usual ‘sedentary’ and ‘overweight’ words in their defense…. *eyeroll…
Again I’ll reply with utter bollocks… At the very height of my obsession with the Orbitrek there were several occasions when I would suddenly be forced to regard Voltaren as my saviour and as you know I'm not a keen pill-popper….
This latest skill available to Balliram via the power supplies technology will I predict, become his and his One-Eyed Mentor’s forte…. *spews…

Missus C implied that it is they who now occupy the newer room of their home, and no longer the kids… I would hope that’s the truth for once, as it’s the more recently activated beauties at the head of their drive and on their garage wall that I would guess have escalated the Creature’s means of harming us… That would now include the light activated INSIDE their servant’s quarters, as seen last night just before 9.00pm…. Despite that their bedroom (if indeed it is theirs) has no street-facing windows but only solid brick, I have to wonder whether either of them suffer at all, as the result of the Creep’s own zeal….
While the loyal Sweeper will continue to deny my accusations, tis hoped she keeps a sharp eye out for any of the symptoms I've so frequently described..*shrugs.. There's no question that she is anything other than a good mother, who is forced into the untenable situation of exposing her precious children to their father’s irresponsible behaviour..*sighs…*and as I edit here now in blogger the Area Connection 2 finally wakes and I'm given an error occurred while saving message*

So – what's new?  Yesterday proved to be a great day out, and we were also finally blessed with a drop of rain… It must have been after 11am when I finally sat down at Yirrol’s and opened the Weekly Gazette, only to crack a huge and cynical grin at the headlines… Once again the PTB have allowed the Filth to contaminate the SAPS uniform, and you can guarantee the theatrical Roadblock in Alpine Road last Tuesday was Nayager's own idea… *falls over laughing..
As the Head of Sydenham SAPS AmDram Society, what better way to announce his return than by taking centre-stage on that busy thoroughfare? *chokes..

Despite his access to some of the most advanced technology in the country, this thug continues to operate on the most basic and predictable levels imaginable… *roffels…
My sympathies to Manuel, and I can only hope that his misplaced belief in the Project’s touted goals can carry him through this difficult time… *waves…
Though Anand Nepaul is more than just good at what he does, I’m 100% certain that his wins on technicalities couldn’t be achieved without the obliging assistance of several other players… *winks…
In this latest travesty of justice, you will see for yourselves that a go-slow was employed, and it will most certainly have been deliberate… Blame the strikes or simply beaurocratic red tape, or whatever makes you most comfortable, it’s all basically bullshit.. You’ve had it from THIS horse’s mouth long enough, that Nayager is a long way off from donning the Correctional Services Orange and probably never will… *belches…

Head of Brighton Beach Crime Prevention?  Nayager and Crime Prevention used in the same breath create the oxymoron of the decade… *snorts…  While I’m truly sorry for the Officers this Pig abused on an ongoing basis, and for the Good Super’s misplaced faith in the judicial system, it changes little to our lives here in the Zone.. The attacks have continued relentlessly, whether Nayager desecrates the uniform or not….

You know that it's my habit to chirp about the Project to all and sundry, in the hopes that a miracle will occur and someone somewhere will eventually enlighten (!) me to the Party Line?
I've been going to her for years and trust her completely…
In fact, she told me months ago that she loves my visits and listening to my conspiracy theories..*keels over…Turns out so does Big Ears next door… *snorts…
Over the years I've never had a problem upgrading my spectacles.. Until this year, that is… After I'd returned my new glasses for the third time, as the lenses were still unwearable, I’d asked her whether any changes had taken place at the company they use to grind the lenses..
Why yes, she said…
Our staunch Quality Controller, one Griffin/Griffith, left recently to join the Security industry’….

From spectacle quality control to Security? *looks at the owner of Royal Security keenly… Roy?  Izzat you I see lurking in the shadows, or your fine son perchance?
You and your charming offspring will be happy to hear that you were the cause of no little mirth as I did my rounds yesterday…*beams…
As one of the more recent co-owners of my life, I created a new montage that will sit next to Bheki Cele on my windscreen, in your honour…. *grins..

Would I be arrogant to say that as PR officer for the Curry Mafia I am inbloodyvaluable? *laughing… 'Lookie here guys~! We now own the old fart's eyesight as well?'  You surely do, as needless to say I didn’t bother taking my new specs back a fourth time…
While the hordes of inane supporters will be delighted that I've at last found the words to report on that particular stroke of genius, produced and directed by the Crooked, I continue to hope there are those of you that retain the ability to be grossed out….
Consider my words carefully, and see for yourselves how simple the scam was to achieve… The irresistible offer made to the Mechanic to purchase Currie Motors and prior to that, an offer made to the Quality Controller at Musgrave’s de Marigny & Lello that he simply couldn't refuse…. *cackles…

Griffin/Griffith was a hard nut to crack?  How the heck did you persuade him to take the enormous leap of checking lenses to Security?  I'm betting the answer would make me smile.. Whether you're impressed or appalled, will show precisely which team you bat for..
Me?  While you may kid yourselves I'm simply too stupid to fully appreciate the horrific implications of what lies ahead, you'd be wrong…
The way I look at it is, *squints horribly* that after all these years of mindless slog, I've finally got the Heavies to participate.. To crawl out from under their gilt-edged rocks and gleefully toss their ill-gotten gains about, in an effort to silence me… *dances..

These are the beauties that the likes of Sutcliffe and Spence work alongside so willingly… The Mpisanes, Moodleys and Princes, that keep the wheel of corruption oiled and turning…
Tell me again Al old boy?  What does that make you?  Speak up?  Ignorance of the facts is no longer an excuse you can blithely trot out.. If you and your colleagues had drawn the line at assisting the Corrupt so readily, the Project Authors may have had to adjust their projections..
You didn’t, and I'm guessing there's a time-line involved that overrides any semblance of decency or courage, right?  *winks…
The most I wish for you is that my ugly mug visits you often as you sleep.. That in your dreams, though my mouth is astonishingly closed for once, my presence will remind you of the part you play in the dark side of this grandiose New Order… No more than a few broken eggs in your scramble to create this marvellous omelette?  

I would hazard that by now you're conditioned to be only mildly amused by my words, as you would've been de-programmed of any shame or embarrassment in the early days… *nods..
Was it Jannie van Zyl who first placed the DO NOT FEED sign on my cage?  And by golly, have you slavishly obeyed…*grins..
Have I ever entertained the thought of packing it in? Often.. Usually of an evening when I'm tired and battered and see no way forward..
But, like the Duracel Bunny I inexplicably heave myself back up and return for more…

LATER at 5.35am..

I tried to explain to the GW yesterday of the moments of happiness that I have.. The latest was cruising along St. Theresa Road when suddenly I was filled with utter contentment.. Oddness…
He replied that he's not familiar with the feeling, and he guessed that it's due to ongoing financial worries.. He wasn’t being snide or smart, he was dead serious.. Realistic, but sad hey..?
So Roy – any openings for a well-intentioned Pensioner who has all these years blindly supported the Team you bat for?  Blindly would be the operative word ja.. But surely among your diverse interests, you could find him a lucrative niche, as you've done with both the Mechanic and the Quality Controller?

After all, employing my SO would be the cherry on the top for the Corrupt, though it's hardly likely to make the GW more scathing than he already is, of my allegations and accusations..*roffels…

Have a happy day…



Friday 17th September at 1.55pm..