Friday, May 28, 2010


(begun Wednesday 26th May at 12.45pm...)

The occasional wrong number calls I take on either the landline or my cellphone usually follow a pattern.  Inevitably these occur just as I begin typing up my blog and the landline generally features the classic 'Is that Capitol Air?' while my cell's call Register simply shows a No Number call or, as was the case today no sign at all of a wrong number...*cackles...  Jannie, was that you, or just another marvellous coincidence in my bizarre life?
Is something enabled/activated by these carefully timed calls or are they meant merely as a distraction?

LATER at 3.00pm..

I was out on the front lawn a few minutes ago, refilling the bird feeder, when I heard Lungi's raised voice and went to investigate... She said she'd just seen a youngster jumping back off their deck into the valley with a towel he'd stolen.. And still THESE two of the six Mothership lamps continue to burn... Balliram running tests on the new cameras?  Nobby and his ferocious bark are well-known, so how did the thief know the dog was up on the driveway and wouldn't see him?  Just asking hey..*winks...
All that risk for ONE towel drying out in the sun?  *sniffs the air... I smell BS all around and that's a fact... Did the youngster know I can pick off mynahs and that I'd happily be locked up if it meant he had to wear an eye-patch for the rest of his days?  My silly little pump-action toy gun can kill a bird but would only brand a thief permanently.... You forgot to mention it when you hired him?  I'm not surprised.... *spits....

I noticed this morning that the dead handset has risen from the grave and is working again... Even the GW gave a startled Hau! when I showed it to him... Has it crossed your minds yet that were you to have 'trouble' sent to YOUR home, how simple it is for your Controller to kill your phones so that you're unable to call for assistance?
Hell, even I figured that little scam out years back, when the nonsense first began... Melodramatic se GAT!  Although I own I have a flair for the theatrical on a par with the Rotten Apples AMDRAM Society...*winks...

The nifty new chopper just went over the Mothership heading east... Linking up the changes and alterations?  Fosho you are....*waves...

Thursday 27th May at 4.55am...

I was hard put not to burst out laughing.. The computer given by the Department and designated for use by CPF Members over four years ago, was finally allocated a space in a manky container right behind the Admin. Offices at Dodge...  Nayager had consistently said that there was not so much as an inch available to set it up.. The Trouble-Shooter OTOH had found a space for it within a couple of days...*cackles... (Another darned good reason why he had to go?)
At last night's Motherbody Meeting the Crumb told the Forum that they'd suddenly realised that where it was sited was a security risk and that they'd arranged for quotes to install a gate... *falls over... That should safely further delay the arrival of any unwanted Forum members who might make themselves comfortable up on the Hill to the dismay of certain officers...?
Neatly done, and though no-one commented at the time, I guess a few eyebrows will be raised when it sinks in...*grins..

Was it a wind-up or the real deal?  The Meeting began at 6.00pm and only at 6.45pm did one of the many overhead lights set into the Kolonel's office ceiling dip briefly.. Especially for my benefit? *curtseys... Either that, or the Eavesdroppers were running seriously late..*shrugs..
Despite that she sat in the seat of authority, it's clear to see the Crumb is running the show... She defers to him on everything and looks pass between them constantly... *slightly nauseated...
Barnabas must be chuffed that someone so obliging has been installed, and it's my guess he sees her as a Keeper...*rolls eyes  He's doing ok is the Crumb, and he endured some chaffing on the matter of a Captain's paypacket, when at the end he got into a really larnie vehicle and drove away... His own car?  Borrowed?  Nice one... *impressed...
The stress of having a foot in two camps (or is that three?) is showing, and the signs of wear and tear are becoming more visible each time I see this skelm.... *interested... The promised rewards must be stupendous, for it's certainly not pride in the uniform that keeps him going...

Friday 28th May at 4.30am..

There was a fair amount of nastiness in the air before I finally heaved myself out of bed on this moonlit morning... If deliberate, I must remind the Pervert that what goes round inexorably comes round...*shrugs..
A sufficiently ambiguous remark that will easily allow the Creep to shrug and say he doesn't know what I'm on about... Ja right..

We took a ride out to Cato Ridge yesterday to try and escape the heat, but it wasn't much better inland... On the way back we'd taken the Marathon route and had turned into an obscure little road to enjoy the view.. There we'd gotten chatting to a Construction Foreman and he turned out to be a fascinating character..
In his heavily accented English he told us of fighting in the border wars and of murder and mayhem.. Of how over the years his family have tried to persuade him to return to the land of his birth but how he had grown to love the people here and the land, and couldn't conceive of leaving..
I lost track of the time we spent listening to the encapsulated version of his life story but what a pleasure to find a guy who so obviously believed in respecting his fellow man whatever the colour, make or creed...
How you meet people in the strangest places, who lift your spirits, is quite magical....

The GW dropped me off at home near 2.00pm and as I went down the stairs the pressure in my ears increased dramatically... Pyschosomatic bullshit?  Nay Jock... It doesn't happen in that area very often, but yesterday there was some serious shit in the air...  Whether it was to do with the adjustments made to the Mothership or not, the levels of EMR were pumping...*yawns...
You can't feel it so its fine?  Sure it is mate...*pats the idiots reassuringly...

The Good Man's Brother-in-Law had rushed from the Motherbody Meeting before it's official closure... Had his sister discussed with him the Sackcloth blog I'd mailed her or had she read it and consigned it to the Trash as fanciful rubbish?   Fingers crossed Pramith will tell them how long I've tried to warn you all... That the Good Man's kindness has been repaid by these carefully engineered and repeated intrusions to his home..
How many months ago did I blog of the pinpoint of light activated on the silver band holding the fat cable against the streetlight nearest their gate?  Reflection se VOET!  Look HERE and think again....Balliram and Nayager are eavesdropping on No. 16's conversations as much as they are ours...

The single most important detail carefully omitted from the sales pitch was the mention that your very home and surroundings can now be VOIPED and your private conversations amplified and bounced to unseen Listeners... Combine this technical marvel with the blister sized cameras that are now installed on every streetlight waiting merely to be activated and you may begin to grasp the peril you face...
The Good Man's staunch  support for our CPF has enraged the deranged ex-Station Commissioner to the point where once again he has become sloppy....
No. 16 himself asks repeatedly how the thieves knew he was on his way home before he even came into sight in the road... Ooops!?
Does Balliram still insist he wasn't involved?  Or has he conceded to a few of you that he was, but that they were tracking No. 16 on his cellphone only? *fascinated...

Was the Project sold to you as simply a Wireless Network that could be used to save you and your family were the down-trodden masses to rise and spill over into your suburbs looking for blood?
I can pretty much guarantee that the majority of recruits were never told of the VOIP abilities or the near-invisible cameras that came with the package they signed up for... An operation run by Telkom in conjunction with the ShaikBoyz, didn't give you a moment's pause for thought?  *cackles..

You didn't know that Earl Michael Barnabas was the go-between put in charge of running the Zone?  You did, but believe him to be reformed?  *falls over shrieking with laughter... The crime in every neighbourhood is being engineered to ensure that every last one of you will toe the line from sheer terror...
How long ago did I warn Aziz of the Telkom white multiplex boxes pinned to so many poles?  That I suspect they play a huge role in amplifying your private conversations?
That it's been left to the Village Idiot to sound the alarm shows how sheeplike you've allowed yourselves to become...  Let's change the subject for a sec...

The Natal Mercury 26th May 2010 'Ex-Cop Nayager To Go On Trial' refers... It states that One-Eyed Jack is to go on trial on JULY 27th does it not?  And yet yesterday's Gazette Page 3 has his first trial appearance down as MAY 27th... Once again a careful muddying of the waters.. Why?
Is it possible Barnabas suspects his Puppet Nayager may lose the plot entirely were toads to attend the proceedings?  That he may be so enraged as to let slip more than just the fact there are cameras watching our every move?
I've voiced my desire to attend the trial often enough for a plan to be put in place to give consistently incorrect dates... *flattered if this is so.... I called the Good Super yesterday to tell him of the Gazette article.. He sent me an sms to say he was in a Meeting... A Meeting at Court perchance?  *sighs...

I'm probably arrogantly over-estimating my annoyance factor here, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least were the Abuser's Superiors to have insisted I don't attend... Something easily achieved by publishing the incorrect dates in the Press... *laughs...

Peace julle...


Friday 28th May 2010 at 1.39pm.