(begun Friday 23rd October at 4.06am...)
The Chop next door is bored, and hard put to sit still... Rather like an unruly brat, he's past caring whether he gets good publicity or bad.... *snorts... Just when you think it might be safe to go into the water, it isn't... The shriek in my ears is pretty overwhelming as I sit here at the kids' desk, and I'm battling to hold the pen in my numb fingers...*grins...
I took a spin down to see Sheldon last week. Did Honest John mention it? I'd noticed one night last week, just before falling asleep, that one ear was picking up a high-pitched sound outside, and the other wasn't.... Hau! Short of hearing that tiny sound, both worked perfectly, but I was sufficiently fascinated to make the trip down to see the GP.
At age 64 you could hardly blame me for thinking wax build-up? *gags... Turns out both ears were as clean as a whistle, if you'll pardon the pun.... Any discomfort? There wasn't much point in telling the old doc how they ache when my Controller becomes over-zealous with the System now was there? *cackles...
Of course he suggested I visit one of his ENT colleagues down the passage and have a scan or two just in case, but by that time I was halfway out of his room grinning from ear to ear... He'd done the standard blood pressure test - perfect, and put his fingers on my stringy neck to check the circulation to my brain (That was a first, and I thought he was being sarkie, but he said it was excellent so no worries) *laughing..
A frivolous waste of time then? Not at all.. Though I took way less damage than B.Snr. back in November/December 2005, I've always maintained my hearing abilities were changed back then, and I was rendered oddly sensitive to the microwave fallout surrounding us...
So - back to the unfortunate Lord Foul next door... The smallest of things denote his growing irritation... Last night and the night before, we had a really big dip to the lighting system, just short of knocking out the PC or telly... I sent a quick sms reply to my kid after 7.00pm last night and got a Failed to Send, despite having R50 airtime... *sighs...
I'd allowed the doc a peek at Millie and her sister, but had refrained from telling him how loudly and how often they protest at my Master's increased attentions of late... He's old school, and like the GW he's blissfully unaware of the current technology and it's effects on the weak and vulnerable... *staggers... Time to change the subject, or I'll be on to bowel movements next.. *roffels...
Didn't you just love the huge spread in Sunday's Tribune given to Mandla Gcaba, the Godfather of the KZN taxi industry? Did you miss the almost casual remark on his friendship with the Billionaire Metro Police Constable, Sbu Mpisane? Can you say LUCRATIVE RELATIONSHIP? *snorts.... The Constable's financial affairs have been fully investigated, says that most bent of Town Planners, Mike Sutcliffe.... And Mpisane was given a clean bill of health so to speak...*vomits wildly...
As nephew to our President, it's unlikely that the Godfather's fortunes will change for the worse any time soon, and his friend Mpisane will continue to add to his billions hand over fist... *sighs...
Gcaba is terrified of frogs FFS? Tempting as it is to contemplate gathering an army and visiting his palatial home without warning, it may affect my request for a presidential pardon at a later stage, so I bin that idea.... *cackles..
Speaking of which, I wish you'd leave the Whisperer alone... None of your slings and arrows are going to change anything, and with the Muni wireless/Broadband Network system up and running you may just attract more attention than you care for. Even the most casual detrimental remark published, may now be tracked with ease, and despite what your opinion may be, Schabir Shaik has a HUGE fan base...
Are you up for a life like mine? No, I didn't think so....
My advice would be to sit still and watch as all that I've predicted comes about... *grins.. Did I not tell you years back of how the greens would be the safest place to do important business? If you're that interested in the guy, you would do well to check on his golfing partners more closely, and not the Whisperer himself... do they shed their cellphones at the Clubhouse before heading onto the green, or are they hidden from sight to carefully record careless remarks made in supposed safety? The possibilities are DELICIOUS!!!
Did you see the pictures in the Press yesterday of the biggest deliberate runoff created so far? (www.tabloidmedia.co.za The Weekly Gazette No. 515). Down on Umgeni Road at Springfield Park, and engineered for the early hours, the 60 metre high fountain was a resounding success!
The volume of water wasted over the four hours that geyser was allowed to shoot up into the air just about says it all.. Water crisis? The middle-income earners will pay dearly for these demonstrations, as they already are for all the added SE's...*vomits...
Have you noticed just how many crooked cops are being outed lately? Does their corrupt behaviour lead you to consider our own Station Commissioner to be small fry by comparison? If this is so, then the massive Damage Control Team deserve a round of applause fosho... *sags...
I don't particularly care what other police officers get up to, as I very much doubt they have been given similar access and control over the Muni's Info Theft Project as has One-eyed Jack.
Despite his best efforts to appear as no more than a philanderer, he, like my Controller Colin Balliram, is quite the most unsuitable candidate to 'manage' anything at all, let alone power circuits....
Turns out the corpse found hanging in the bush off Lockesley Drive this week (right next door to Dodge City) was a trainee cop. That should prick your ears up if nothing else, though it's a given no further details will be available...
Another one bites the dust in a country enduring a culling exercise of epic proportions, by one means or another...
*As I type here in blogger, I am given a repeated 'Autosave failed' message.... interesting....
The Good Superintendent Augustine Mngomezulu had best accept that he is now based at Greenwood Park for the forseeable future, and he won't be relocated to Dodge City. Whatever efforts have been made behind the scenes to aid him are appreciated, but doomed to fail..
Do you finally begin to smell the power behind the Abuser's throne? That Earl Michael Barnabas will have used the powerful muslim community to petition the Whisperers to save his useful Puppet?
It's highly unlikely a suitable replacement could be found to run Dodge City along the continued cozy relationship lines that have existed these past years, and with the introduction of the Info Theft Project I suspect the Serial Molestor will easily scrape off the filth that currently covers him, and rise again to continue his bullying rule... *shrugs...
To those who've dared attempt to oust this Pig - Nice try lads, but may I suggest you head for the hills now, as there is little the Sexual Offender enjoys more than carefully exacted retribution.... You think he's not keeping a careful note of the names and locations of his detractors? Think again *lawls.... *aand still I'm given the Autosave Failed message....
He will have his Monkey into your power circuit to cook your assets before you can say Corrupt Practise! His Monkey can gain access to your Banking details and Hospital records with ease... However loudly you now cry foul, it's way too late...*sighs...
Despite my gloomy words, I can't help but feel cheerful. The sun is just lifting over the horizon behind St. Theresa's, and it promises to be a stunning day... Will the Physicist visit me? Will he answer my questions truthfully? *waits curiously....
LATER at 7.00am..
It's always been about luck and timing... I went out onto the verandah just after 6.00am and straight away spotted something that didn't belong up on the hill, directly across from the Electrical Engineer's house in Hugo Road... I went in and got my binocs, at which point a GateKeeper broke cover from behind the gumtrees across the way and set off briskly, with a small dog at his heels, towards the vehicle up on the hill...*grins...
The driver had already put the vehicle in motion and headed swiftly downhill towards Khaled's, and out of sight.. Who and what the vehicle was doing there is anyone's guess... A variation on the water runoff theme?
The GateKeeper surely belongs to the Hugo Road Activist, and I'm comfortable that I'm being so closely watched... *waves..
With the new powers obtained by the ABM for Squatters rights recently, there will be mischief-makers eyeing the top section of the horseyard with anticipation, so it's in our interest (and of course the interest of the infernal Project) to keep a close watch on the area...*winks...
Peace julle...
(I tried to Publish and got my first ever refusal due to an error... Wayhey! We are getting somewhere AT LAST!!!!!!!)
PS Added at 11.41am. My Local Area Connection 2 is back and determined to exert his power *lawls... I'd thought to post a picture before trying again to publish this blog... Not a chance! My Upload Image option has been 'greyed' out and declined to post. However, I see that Colin Balliram is now allowing me to publish the post itself... Merci bouquet ..... Make the most of the small pleasures left you, O Chicken man..... *winks....
Friday 23rd October 2009 at 8.27am.